Starts mid August and ends 1st week in November
St. Agnes Volleyball teams play in The Metro Volleyball Conference http://metrovbconference.org
All girls and boys enrolled in 5th grade thru 8th grade St. Agnes or St. Joe's Day School or Christian Formation are eligible. (*Note: Students must maintain good grades)
Approximately 10 league games are played which includes some double headers.
Games are played on Saturday mornings and afternoons with occasional Sunday afternoon games. Some tournaments are played on weeknights.
Practice is typically twice a week for 1.5 to 2 hours. Uniform shirt is provided but must be returned by the end of the season. Each Athlete is responsible for providing their own black volleyball shorts as well as knee and elbow pads.
St. Agnes plays in the Notre Dame - Don Bosco Basketball league www.nddbbb.org
Starts Early November and Ends in March (depending upon Tournament play)
All girls and boys enrolled in 5th grade thru 8th grade St. Agnes or St. Joe's Day School or Christian Formation are eligible to play. (Note: Student must maintain good grades)
Approximately 10 games are played on Saturday mornings or afternoons with occasional Sunday afternoon games. Some tournaments are played on weeknights
Practices are typically twice a week for 1.5 to 2 hours. Uniform shirt and shorts are provided but must be returned at the end of the season. Athletes are to provide their own appropriate footwear.
St. Agnes plays fast pitch softball in the Maria Goretti Softball League (www.ballcharts.com/team/?team=mariagoretti)
Starts mid April and Ends by the last week of May.
All girls enrolled in 5th thru 8th grade St. Agnes or St. Joe's Day School or Christian Formation are eligible to play. (Note: Students must maintain good grades)
Approximately 10 games are played on Saturdays with most being double headers as it is a short season.
Practice is typically twice a week for 1.5 to 2 hours. Uniform shirt is provided but must be returned by the end of the season. Athletes are to provide their own softball glove, softball cleats and pants to be worn with uniform. Athletes may purchase their own helmets or bats (official fast pitch softball bats, no wooden bats).
Startis in April and ends in May.
All girls and boys enrolled in 5th thru 8th grade St. Agnes or St. Joe's Day School or Christian Formation are eligible. (Note: Students must maintain good grades)
There are two to three track meets.
All grades compete in the 100m, 200m, 400m, Long Jump,2 relays, And Softball throw.
6th grade also has the High Jump and Mile Run
7th & 8th grade has High Jump, Mile Run, and Shot Put
Practice is twice a week for 1.5 hours