Buildings and Grounds
Members of the buildings and grounds committee maintain and repair physical property of St. Agnes parish. They determine necessary or preventative maintenance and arrange for services and repairs. Depending on the nature of the work and the cost, they work through either the maintenance department of the parish or the finance council. If parishioners have specific experience in painting, roofing, masonry, electrical, plumbing or gardening, they may be asked to volunteer their experience.
Christian Formation
The Christian Formation committee's mission is to provide Catholic Christian formation services that invite all members of our parish community to grow in their Baptismal commitment. The Christian formation committee supports a lifelong commitment to spiritual growth through community interaction, study, prayer, sacramental celebrations, and service. We strive for productive relationships between students, families, catechists, and staff. Key responsibilities:
- Assist and develop in long range planning
- Identify parish needs
- Develop and recommend policies
- Determine budget priorities
- Develop revenue opportunities
- Advise and define roles
- Facilitate communication
Human Concerns
The human concerns committee is made up of St. Agnes parishioners working together to help our parish and our community. They oversee the various seasonal programs such as the Lenten rice bowls, Mother's Day, Right to Life rose distribution, Spread the warmth sock drive. The committee coordinates local meal programs, outreach in our community, and coordinate the St. Agnes food pantry
Our ultimate mission is to lieve and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our major goal is to enhance the sacramental life of the Catholic Church, by encouraging the active participation of the assembled community in the Eucharistic celebration. We also continue to educate the community about the teachings and traditions or Jesus, as well as the traditions of the Catholic Faith.
We try to address liturgical needs of the parish, increase the warmth and reception shown to all who attend our liturgy, and improve the quality of our liturgical planning. We are always looking for volunteers who are willing to serve in any of the ministries coordinated by the committee:
- Altar servers
- Altar Society
- Cantors
- Choirs
- Environment
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Lectors
- Ministers of hospitality
The St. Agnes Parish Stewardship Committee will create or continually re-affirm a vision that will be shared with and authorized by the pastoral council. It will be kept alive through communication with all parish members and acted upon by all committees, ministries, and staff. Our current vision is that we are "United in Gratitude of God's gifts"