School Lunch Information

General Information

St. Agnes School participates in the National School Lunch Program. For more information call 262-781-4996.

Ordering Process

St. Agnes School Lunch is provided under contract with the Elmbrook School District. Families order for a month at a time.

School lunch orders are placed using the Boonli website: https://sags.boonli.com. Our school code: SAS1.  

Each family will sets up their own account. Each month there is a window of time for families to order the lunches they want for the next month. That window of time is posted in the St. Agnes Friday Flyer.

If you need assistance setting up your account, please call the school office: 262-781-4996 X 201.


Menus are posted at: http://elmbrookschools.nutrislice.com; Choose St. Agnes School, and the correct month.     

Students at St. Agnes have a choice of an entree or a bagged lunch option.  Only the main choices will appear on the order site. Sides will not appear for ordering. The sides are the same for both options. The Elmbrook Schools link has a lot of information that you can access for the month's menu, depending on your dietary needs. 


Many families are eligible for free or reduced lunch pricing.  If you would like to start ordering the school lunches for your student(s), please contact Administrative Assistant Cindy Cicerelli (cicerellic@stagnesparish.org) to inquire about eligibility.

All lunch orders must be paid by check for the exact amount to: St. Agnes School. Payments can be made as soon as ordering has taken place. Otherwise, payments are due the 5th of each month for that month's order.

Example: Payment for October is due on or before October 5th.

All hot lunch combos include milk. Milk may be purchased on the website as a separate item for those who bring cold lunch. There are drinking fountains available to those who prefer water. If a child forgets his/her lunch, and a parent or guardian cannot be reached to bring a lunch to school, a lunch will be prepared for him/her. Prices are: Regular/Combo — $4.25; milk only, $0.40.

"As one Catholic family, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become lifelong learners and disciples of Jesus Christ."