The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a commitment to excellence and continued school improvement that ensures the best learning possible for our Catholic school students. The Exemplary Recognition Program, based on the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, honors schools that have demonstrated innovation and outstanding results in specific areas. In 2021 St. Agnes School was awarded Exemplary Recognition for Mission and Catholic Identity. A rigorous program of preparation, application and site review qualify a school for Exemplary Recognition.
Dating back to 1915, St. Agnes School has a long and proud tradition of mission and Catholic identity. When St. Agnes School became a participant in the Wisconsin and Milwaukee private school Choice programs there was careful effort to assure that our mission and Catholic identity continued to define the experience of every student. In the process of self-study and preparation for the application, it was revealed that non-Catholic Choice students at St. Agnes School are equally active participants in prayer, liturgy of the word, service and religious instruction during the instructional week as Catholic tuition paying students at St. Agnes School. It is evident that non-Catholic families joining St. Agnes School seek the strength and grace that comes from an education focusing on the development of students dedicated to becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.
Integration of mission and Catholic identity at St. Agnes School found to be Highly Effective relative to expectations for an effective Catholic elementary school in the areas of
- Religious education
- Leadership and governance
- Service and Gospel witness
- Liturgy prayer and spiritual life
- Catholic culture and community life.
Congratulations to the entire St. Agnes Parish and School community for their collaborative effort in earning this most significant award.
"As one Catholic family, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become lifelong learners and disciples of Jesus Christ."