Christian Formation

Welcome to St. Agnes Christian Formation - Making a Difference One Family at a Time…  

Jesus entrusted his mission, his Good News, to the Church. Through formation and education, the Church prepares its members to proclaim the Good News and put it into action in their lives. The efforts of the Church form persons in community. Children, youth and adults in all phases of life keep Saint Agnes Parish Community thriving through a variety of service and faith-filled experiences beyond traditional classroom instruction.

Within the Christian Formation program, students are taught religious concepts for each grade level. Using texts approved by the Church, students learn about doctrine, creeds, moral values, scripture, sacraments, liturgical seasons of the Church year, Mary and the saints. Students are helped to integrate what they learn about their faith with their lives. The learning that takes place also provides a readiness for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. We currently use the Loyola Press Finding God series in our Christian Formation classrooms. See the links below for supplemental information.

Each year as we begin a new and exciting year of Christian Formation all parish youth who attend public or non-Catholic schools are invited to participate in our Christian Formation program.  We are proud to offer life-long Christian Formation from K3 through high school and into adulthood.  All Grade K3- High School classes meet on Sunday 9:00-10:15 AM, Confirmation class meets Sundays 6 - 7:30 PM.

Our registration process has begun. Click here to register on-line. If you would like to register in person or on paper forms please contact the Christian Formation Office or download the forms here.

Michelle Fellin Ext. 103   Christian Formation Coordinator    fellinm@stagnesparish.org
Patty Kaiser Ext. 111    Christian Formation - Admin Assist   kaiserp@stagnesparish.org

Click the image below to access the LoyolaPress site for Families:

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