St. Agnes School

St. Agnes School

Closing Info

Weather/Emergency School Closings:
St. Agnes follows the Hamilton-Sussex school district for closures. If Hamilton-Sussex is closed, we will close as well.
St. Agnes School will announce any emergency school closings on local television outlets, Facebook and via email.
In the event that emergency circumstances cause St. Agnes School to close early, parents will be notified via email, telephone and Facebook.
Please make sure that St. Agnes School has your family's most current contact information.

Welcome to Saint Agnes School!

Dear Families and Friends of St. Agnes School,
        It is a pleasure and a blessing to serve the family of St. Agnes School and share in the work of educating your children in a community rooted in Gospel values. Our goals are aligned with the national standards and benchmarks utilized by the most effective Catholic elementary schools. Four principles define our efforts. These are:

* Mission and Catholic Identity
* Academic Excellence
* Governance and Leadership
* Operational Vitality

        All of us who work as the educators and support staff at St. Agnes School collaborate to make sure that each St. Agnes student has a learning experience that is centered in the person of Jesus Christ and committed to academic excellence. Our work is defined through prayer, scholarship and dedication.
        Another element of a truly successful school is active parent engagement. Please talk with your children about what they are learning in class and how they have had the opportunity to follow in the pattern of Jesus. Please come to school and be a part of our learning community as a volunteer if you are able. If your schedule does not allow you to join us during the school day, consider taking an active role in a committee or extracurricular program.
        If you have a question about our school or your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to reach out to us by phone (262-781-4996)  or email. Even better, make an appointment to come in and talk. We are happy to partner with you in the education of your children.

School Handbook