These Forms are needed at the START of your child's Athletics participation:
Student Athlete Medical Information and Emergency Consent
Parent Guardian Risk and Consent to Participate
Parent and Athlete Concussion Acknowledgement Concussion Facts for Parents Concussion Facts for Athletes
Commitment Statement The St. Agnes Athletic Code can be found here
The Physical Form is required and must be signed by the student athlete's physician. All students participating in interscholastic athletics must have this form on file prior to practice or participation. Physical examinations taken April 1 and thereafter is approved for the following two years of competition; physical examination taken before April 1 is valid only for the remainder of the current school year and the following year:
Physical Examination Form
All forms can be submitted using the registration process or they can be emailed to or submitted to the parish office with all fees.
For Coaches:
Coaches Concussion Acknowledgement Concussion Facts for Coaches